Saturday, 16 February 2019

Outline for M.R. James screenplay adaptation COLD TO THE TOUCH

                                      COLD TO THE TOUCH

                                       Based upon the stories of
                                                M.R. James.

                                                        Conceived and adapted for the
                                                          screen by Andrew Hawcroft


Cold To The Touch (first produced as a play of mine called An Unsettling Evening in Southend’s Palace Theatre in 2011,) is a deliberately lean and sparse screenplay that adapts five of M.R. James’ most famous short ghost stories, and plays them out in a single film of atmospheric chills, shocks and slow-burning dread.

Cold To The Touch will take audiences out of the comfortable world of the technological and pragmatic, and return them to the childhood fears that hide inside all of us until brought out by the right circumstances. 

WRITER’S NOTE:  Regarding the five stories I have adapted;  while taking the essentials of the plot for each, I have, in places, adapted them with my own creative content regarding settings, plot points and characters, hopefully respectfully endorsing the spirit of each classic tale while adding something fresh to the telling.

The five short stories chosen to be adapted are;

CANON ALBERIC’S  SCRAPBOOK:   An English amateur archeologist travels to a remote cathedral in France in search of artifacts to outdo his similarly-motivated friends.  As night falls, eerie, mocking laughter arouses his interest in the building, and a pale and nervous sacristan shows him a book that suggests an unpleasant possibility as to the culprit.

A WARNING TO THE CURIOUS:   A young History student of good background has squandered his inheritance money on the fast life.   He arrives in the English seaside town of Seaburg with the aim of replenishing his fortune by finding and digging up the legendary third crown of East Anglia, rumoured to be buried somewhere on the coastline. Unfortunately for him, he will be successful.

NUMBER 13:    A traveling academic staying in Room 14 at a Denmark hotel, finds the quaint national tradition of having no rooms numbered 13 to be amusing….until the room beside his becomes occupied in the night-time hours by more than the salesman staying in Room 12

“OH WHISTLE AND I’LL COME TO YOU, MY LAD”:  A schoolteacher, holidaying upon the desolate beaches of Burnstow, discovers an antiquated whistle whilst poking amongst a ruined Templar abbey.  Blowing the whistle attracts to him the increasingly undesirable attention of….something.

CASTING THE RUNES:   When a magazine editor refuses to publish the disturbing articles of a local self-professed master of the occult, he finds himself in mysterious possession of a slip of paper bearing strange Runic symbols, and the English words…’Seven days are allowed’.  From then on, he cannot escape the rising feeling that he is being followed…and not by a man.

In the age of cynicism, social media and smartphones, Cold To The Touch escorts the unsuspecting audience back to a state they had forgotten.  It will be an unsettling return, but a memorable one.

-  Andrew Hawcroft.

Copyright ©Andrew Hawcroft 08/01/2010
Tel (00353) 872383083

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